Thursday, September 29, 2011

Take a tip from LeBron - it's not the real world!

I'm happy, because every year, I hope that crazed, rabid, identity-lacking Boston fans will develop other interests and find more productive ways to spend all that time, energy and money. Mentor an urban youth. Help clean up parks. Stop spectating and eating carcinogenic hot dogs and sausages and clean up their own acts. Read the REST of the newspaper.
I'm happy, and last night was so unbelievable that I now know the entertainment value of this sport - but I would never gloat. (However, Red Sox fans would if the situation were reversed.)
Why am I happy? Because I hope, every year, that teachers, nurses and first responders might get paid some of those millions instead of primadonna players and managers who jump ship in a minute for more dough to rival teams. They don't care - why do fans so much?
As LeBron James recently said, it is only entertainment and a DISTRACTION FROM THE REAL WORLD and certainly not worth all the emotional investment.

So why do Boston fans base their lives on a sport? The environment and economy are crumbling around us. China and India will overtake us in education (already do) and technology. Health care and Americans' health is going down in the unsustainable dumps (hot dogs and sausages, anybody?). There are so many pressing, devastating problems that could be addressed -and we can all make a big difference - but instead, Bostonians never grow up, dress head-to-toe in Red Sox uniforms, pay for the license plates, take on a stupid swagger and aggressive tone of voice when talking about some teams that are bought and imported and not even Bostonians. It's pathetic, and so sad.
Grow up. Take responsibility for your city and your planet. Watch sports for the entertainment value, if you must, but stop identifying with it. You are all better than that.

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